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1Even before the battle of Danno-ura, fishermen may have been reluctant to eat such a crab.
2Interestingly, control of mRNA turnover would be the main regulatory step of the glucose-dependent expression of ura4+.
3The URA will release the official price index in four weeks.
4I think Ura was started when that man of the Others forced Oda.
5When they get back, Ura will be with them, for Durc.
6And when you're older, Ura will come and be your mate.
7And if there is a Durc and a Ura, there must be others, too.
8She dreamed of Durc and Ura, grown up and mated.
9But mother of Ura ask me for Durc, for Ura.
10She was so afraid Ura would never find a mate.
11And then brought Durc and Ura to live there?
12Ura is not deformed any more than Durc is.
13What would Ura do if I took Durc away?
14But Ura hung tough, not being dismissed until the third ball of the 50th over.
15The URA is due to release full data on third-quarter private home prices four weeks later.
16URA is also finalising changes to existing laws to ensure showflats depict the actual units accurately.